What Are The Side Effects of Sustanon 250? , ,

What Are The Side Effects of Sustanon 250?

Sustanon 250 Injection is a combination medicine used in the treatment of male hypogonadism. It increases the testosterone levels in adult men and helps improve various health problems including impotence, infertility, low sex drive, tiredness, and depression.

Sustanon 250 Injection is given by a doctor or a nurse. You should not self-administer this medicine at home. Use it regularly to get the maximum benefit from the medicine. It may take some time for the medicine to be effective. The course of the treatment should be completed for better efficacy of the medicine.

Use of this medicine may cause few common side effects such as an increase in red blood cell count and hemoglobin in the blood. Some people may also experience allergic reactions such as itching, rashes, and swelling of the lips or face. If you experience any of these side effects, consult your doctor without delay. Your doctor may help you with ways to prevent or reduce the side effects.

Sustanon 250 Injection is given by a doctor or a nurse. You should not self-administer this medicine at home. Use it regularly to get the maximum benefit from the medicine. It may take some time for the medicine to be effective. The course of the treatment should be completed for better efficacy of the medicine.

Use of this medicine may cause few common side effects such as an increase in red blood cell count and hemoglobin in the blood. Some people may also experience allergic reactions such as itching, rashes, and swelling of the lips or face. If you experience any of these side effects, consult your doctor without delay. Your doctor may help you with ways to prevent or reduce the side effects.

This medicine may not be suitable for everybody. Before using the medicine, you should let your doctor know if you have any problems with your heart, liver, or kidneys. Also, let your doctor know of all the other medicines you are taking.

What Are The Side Effects of Sustanon 250?

In general the side effects which are reported with testosterone therapy include:

  • pain at the injection site
  • itching
  • acne
  • nausea
  • changes in liver function tests
  • changes in cholesterol levels (changes in lipid metabolism)
  • depression, nervousness, mood alterations
  • muscle pain
  • fluid retention e.g. swelling of ankles and feet
  • increased weight
  • high blood pressure
  • increase in the number of red blood cells
  • increased or decreased sexual desire
  • prolonged abnormal, painful erection of the penis
  • disturbed formation of sperm
  • breast enlargement in men
  • prostatic growth to a size representative for the concerned age group
  • increased levels of a blood marker which is associated with prostate cancer (PSA increased)
  • increased growth of a small prostate cancer which has not been detected yet.
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Any drug can have side effects and steroids are no different. Side effects of Sustanon can come in various forms and are usually more prevalent for people who run continued length cycles or use more substantial doses.

Side effects from steroids can affect the cardiovascular system, estrogenic and androgenic.

When using anabolic/androgenic steroids, it is essential to understand the risks associated with the use and also how to minimise the chances of them occurring. 

It is important to note that not everyone will experience side effects from steroids. It is essential to know and understand the risk associated with them, though. 

We can break down the side effects of Sustanon into the following subjects;

  • Estrogenic side effects
  • Androgenic side effects
  • Cardiovascular side effects
  • Hepatotoxicity
  • Natural testosterone shutdown

Androgenic Side Effects

Testosterone is the main hormone in males and responsible for androgenic characteristics. With that in mind, it is important to note Sustanon can cause large breakouts of acne, especially on the back, oily skin and increased growth in body and facial hair. 

If male pattern baldness runs in your family it may make this condition onset quicker. People who suffer from prostate sensitivity or prostate cancer may see an increase in prostate growth. This can often return to normal after use. 

Estrogenic Side Effects

Sustanon is easily converted into estrogen. As such users can expect to suffer from side effects related to higher levels of estrogen in the body.

Added water weight, holding more body fat and gynecomastia are all unwanted side effects of Sustanon.

Anti-estrogens such as Arimidex or anastrozole work by reducing or stopping the conversion of testosterone to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme.

Cardiovascular Side Effects

Added water weight in short spaces of time and can result in added strain on the heart and organs.

Sustanon can affect cholesterol levels by reducing HDL or ‘good cholesterol’ and increasing LDL ‘bad cholesterol’. This shift, over time, can result in the hardening of the artery walls and higher levels of fat in the bloodstream leading to strokes, or heart attacks if left unchecked and untreated.

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The increase in muscle mass and weight can also lead to higher blood pressure which can again, affect the heart and kidneys.

Running Sustanon can also affect your blood ‘thickness’. 

It is highly recommended for anyone thinking about running a cycle, or who has already run one to get blood tests done at least every three months. This not only allows you to know what is going in regards to your health but also make any necessary adjustments before starting.

Does Sustanon affect the liver?

Does Sustanon affect the liver?

Testosterone, in general, is metabolised by the liver. Adding exogenous testosterone to the body in moderate doses doesn’t really have too much of an impact on liver lipid levels.

It is important to note, though, high dose cycles or prolonged cycles could push liver markers beyond normal levels.

Natural Testosterone Shutdown 

Using any form of steroid will lead to the suppression of your natural test production. This often returns after the cycle has stopped. In rare cases or when users have been on cycle for prolonged periods, people can be shut down permanently or suffer from low testosterone levels for many years.

PCT ancillaries such as HCG can help keep the testes stimulated and producing natural testosterone. It is usually taken as a part of a PCT (post cycle therapy).

Benefits of using Sustanon

  • Notorious mass and strength builder
  • Manageable side effects
  • Increase in muscle density
  • Combination of esters for quick release and steady hormone levels

FAQs on Sustanon 250

How long does it take for Sustanon 250 to kick in?

Right away! Most steroids being released into the bloodstream from the muscle within hours. Users can usually ‘feel’ the increase in pumps and a sense of wellbeing at around weeks three onwards.

The muscle and strength building effects usually become more apparent at around week four to six.

Is Sustanon 250 good for bulking?

Sustanon is a great bulking steroid. The increase in muscle mass and strength will be more than noticeable. It is important to keep it fed with quality nutrient-dense food.

For even greater results stacking it alongside deca will increase gains significantly. The two work synergistically together and has been a tried and tested, bread and butter bulking cycles for over fifty years.

Does Sustanon have Deca in it?

No! This is a common misconception often spurted out by gym managers with little to no idea about steroids, apart from profits.

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Sustanon is made up of four esters of testosterone with one of them being testosterone undecanoate.

The undecanoate ester sounds very similar to nandrolone decanoate…See where this is going?

There are mixes on the market which are testosterone and deca mixed. Albeit they are quite rare and most people prefer the individual product so you have more control over your dose.

Which is better Sustanon or enanthate?

This is a question which gets asked more often than not. Technically speaking they are the same. Both are testosterone jus with different esters attached.

The only difference between them being the esters and release rate. You may ‘feel’ different on one over the other, which is fine. You should see similar gains on either-or.

How many times a week should I inject Sustanon 250?

The best injection frequency is twice or three times per week if you are injecting a larger amount and prefer to split up your jabs further to reduce injecting large amounts of oil in one go.

Are Sustanon injections painful?

Are Sustanon injections painful?

Depending on the quality of the lab, raws used and carrier oil they can be silky smooth or irritated and swollen. Injection technique can also play a role on the injection.

The injections themselves should be super easy, once you have done it a few times. The pain generally comes after.

If you have an unsteady hand it can help to have somebody else inject you, this way you aren’t damaging the muscle tissue moving a need around.

Applying heat to the area will help the oil disperse quicker and pain killers can reduce any problems.


As mentioned, Sustanon is probably the most recognized and used PED in the world. Delivering quality gains in muscle size and strength it has been used by people from all athletic and competitive backgrounds as well as casual gym go-ers.

Overall it offers plenty without being too taxing on your body. Most side effects are minimal and manageable. Testosterone therapy can also have a positive impact on your overall mood, output and well being in your day to day life.

When natural testosterone levels start to decrease many people are looking to self TRT or HRT to help their body and mind stay strong, fit and healthy.